$555.00 USD

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As with any business, your results may vary and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire.

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The Money Frequency


Here’s a secret…

All the money you desire is already available to you.


You don’t need to work harder to earn more.

You don’t need to think more positively.

You don’t need to feel more worthy of it.

And you certainly don’t need to first eliminate all your negative money beliefs.

Maybe that shocks you because most people will tell you at least one of the above is necessary.

Except, it’s not.

The only thing standing in between you and an overflow of money is your frequency.

The money you desire is already available to you, but the reason why you don’t experience it in your outer reality is because you’re plugged into a different frequency.

It’s kind of like being tuned into a radio station - all radio stations are playing at the same time already, and to hear the one you desire you simply need to change the frequency you’re tuned into.

Right now, the frequency you’re plugged in feels less like easeful abundance and more like stressful lack.

Notice if any of these statements about money resonate with you…

💔💸 You have a constant fear of money running out (even if in reality this isn’t the case).

💔💸 You are someone who has constant anxiety about the money you spend - overthinking every purchase and feeling guilty for spending on yourself.

💔💸 You think that more money just means more problems - bigger taxes, more things to manage, more headaches.

💔💸 You feel weird or guilty about money, constantly battling between the desire to live a more abundant life and feeling like you already have enough and others have it worse off than you.

💔💸 You avoid looking at your money like the plague because “it's not important”, or you're someone who goes on an emotional spending spree and drains their account every month.

💔💸 You think money means more work - you can only conceptualize making more by working more, taking on more clients and having less time, and that sounds like a hell no.

If any of these statements describe your relationship with money, here’s what you need to know: they all have something in common.

They all reflect an unhealed money attachment pattern, and keep you on the frequency of “just enough”.

When you don’t understand your attachment style with money you will continue to act out of these patterns and continue to perpetuate a relationship with money that feels like stress, fear, anxiety or dismissiveness.

When in reality, you are already a match for overflow and abundance.

And to change your reality you simply need to shift your frequency.

What will attract money to you and make it the standard in your world is when you shift to the frequency of money.

When you shift your standards around it.

When you adjust your expectations.

When you rearrange your beliefs.

When you clear your sabotage patterns.

And when you uncover and heal your money attachment style.

The Money Frequency will align you to a frequency of clean money energy - where money feels light, stable, safe, secure and is always abundantly flowing.

Receiving with ease.

Holding and moving big money.

A solid and safe relationship with money.

A regulated nervous system with money.


This is not a typical money manifestation program. Money doesn’t need to be created - it is always flowing, always available.

This is a program about clearing your money patterns and aligning your standards and beliefs to match the money you desire to have so you can start to vibrate on the same frequency and experience this in your outer reality with ease, now.


You were always meant to live a richly, abundant life. Money was always meant to support you and be available as a resource for you to live the life you desire, serve others abundantly and create ease for you.

Money was never meant to be a source of stress, anxiety or fear. And your experience with it was never meant to be lack or just enough.

Money is infinitely available to you right now, and it’s your time to boldly claim it.


You will get access to:


  • 5 Modules with over 6 hours of content
  • Access to an exclusive Money Attachment Style Quiz to understand your money attachment style with an in depth report
  • Access to a Live Q+A in early February
  • Access to a Private FB Group